Budgets and sub-budgets can be created and maintained in iPurchase and used to control spending. If desired, each requisition or just select requisitions can be assigned to a budget, which can be defined based on cost center, GL account, sub-account, QAD project, or a combination of these fields. In some cases, the user, the type of requisition, and the item selected can drive the budget and it can be auto populated for the user.
Below is the Budget Inquiry screen from where a user can search and find, view, and manage budgets in iPurchase. Also, an overview of the status of the spending on the budget is visible from this window.

Below is the Budget Maintenance screen from where a user sets up or maintains a new or existing budget and its sub-budgets. The status of the budget is visible graphically as well as in a list format. Users can click on the View Details buttons to drill down on the requisitions associated with the budget or sub-budget.

A budget manager, assistant manager, and/or project sponsor can be defined and easily added to the approval sequence if appropriate. Budget limits can be hard or soft, can have a starting balance, can be reset at the start of a new fiscal period, and can be exported to Excel. Access to and maintenance of budgets is controlled with security.
Below is an approval screen where a budget manager is called upon to do the approval. Also note Budget Availability.