QAD Mid-West User Group
MWUG is the largest independent user group for QAD’s manufacturing management and Enterprise Application software. We represent manufacturing companies in the Midwestern U.S. as well as QAD partners and other product/service providers who support QAD systems. Our mission is to provide a forum for members to share & exchange information through educational conferences, to establish mutual support and peer contacts, and to promote and advance the use of our members’ ERP systems.

QAD South-East User Group
The South & Eastern User Group was created to provide networking, support, and education for QAD Users in the Southeastern Region of the U.S. In addition to providing educational value to our members, our Bi-Annual Meetings serve as a means of communication with QAD, Inc. on common issues of interest. We operate in association with the America’s User Group as a “Regular” User Group.