Date(s) - 09/17/2023 - 09/19/2023
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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QAD Fall 2023 West Coast User Group Conference: October 29-31, 2023
Seabird Resort |Oceanside, CA
Tune in to the SIG podcast featuring guest speaker Andy Weinstein Here
Fall 2023 MWUG Collateral (Front)
Fall 2023 MWUG Collateral (Back)
Register at:
Tuesday, October 31st @ 8:30 – 9:30am
Customer Success Study
The Buyers’ Dashboard – How to Improve Your Supplier’s Performance With Analytics
WALTER LITTLE – Strategic Information Group
AARON DEETER – Phocas Software
Special Guest Speaker
HECTOR LOPEZ – Modular Assemblies
In this presentation you’ll hear about a Buyers’ Dashboard that will pull together all of the necessary data and presented it in a clear, actionable format. Listen to how Modular Assemblies uses the solution to effectively automate a process that previously took up to 40 hours per month resulting in a real-time window into their entire supplier ecosystem, with key metrics and insights at their fingertips allowing a more proactive approach to supply chain management and improved supplier performance. And because they no longer spend so much time on manual data gathering and manipulation, they are able to focus on more strategic initiatives to drive operational improvements down the road!
Looking for More Info? Talk to Our Team Here